Lesson with a Iran
when European union decided to place embargo on the imports of Iranian oil with effect from first July 2012 ,then Iranian regim stopped pumping oil to small Britain and poor France .it was really a shocked treatment in which the electricity generated by Iranian nuclear reactor was masterly used to treat the madness of very old white man of Europe, who after carrying the very heavy weights of the world for the past 3 centuries has become tired weaked and very sick at the verge of death .He suddenly realize his very very week position vizaviz Iran and submitted humbly before the terms dictated by Iran, this is a very wise lesson given to all oil producing countries of the world and specially gulf countries if they united themselves firmly and demand u.s.a and Europe to relinquish the Palestinian lines response will be very quick and the lands will be evacuated immediately.can they be brave soldier of Islam and force u.s.a and Europe to come to terms with a truth and recognize Palestine as a free land and Palestinian as a free people with their right to full state hood status WITH JERUSALEM AS THEIR CAPITAL.If Arab continue not to shoulder their responsibility ,Allah the almighty will bring a new nation,a new people to lead the world replacing old Europe and tired America of whom they are allies and agents .